moi generated uv's

 From:  Michael Gibson
3821.7 In reply to 3821.1 
Hi crydee, I'm not really sure that I completely understand the problem - do you have things like stretching in the UVs that you want to eliminate?

Doing a Rebuild of a curve can potentially help with that - part of what happens with a rebuild command is the "parameterization" of the resulting curve is based on distance traveled along the curve which can help to solve things like uneven or stretched parameterization which could result for example by taking some curve and pulling out some of its control points to stretch parts of the curve or things like that.

So Rebuild is probably the closest thing relating to UV normalization that is available. But also there are other factors as well, like it can depend on exactly which commands you use to build surfaces from the curves. Some commands will inherit a curve's parameterization directly along one direction of the surface, while some other commands may involve a kind of internal rebuilding process of their own.

> is there a possibility to divide the mastercurve in same segmentsize?

Yes, this is possible by drawing a point object (Draw curve > More > Point) at the start of the curve, and then using Transform > Array > Curve to replicate that point at equal increments as traveled along the curve. Then those resulting points can be used as cutting objects in the Trim command to cut the curve into segments that have equal lengths.

> or is there a uv tool to solve my problem outside from moi?

There are a lot of people who use a dedicated UV processing tool to build the UVs rather than using the automatically generated UV coordinates that MoI makes, those are things like UVMapper: But I'm not sure if it would help for your particular problem or not, I'm not exactly clear on the problem.

- Michael