moi generated uv's

 From:  crydee
hello michael,

one little question. i hope you can help me.

for our driving simulation, i created a whole city with moi(by the way i realy enjoyed to work with moi).
at first i drawed a freeform curve(mastercurve) for the roads, sideplanes and so on. then i drawed som profiles (road, sidelanes,...) and used the sweep command to create different shapes. so far so good.
during the export(obj) moi creates some nearly perfect uvs. if i put a road texure with a medial strip on the exported road i have some segments with large medial strips and some with very small medial strops. the different "segmentsize" in the uv coordinates represent the points from the mastercurve.
you know a way to "normalize" this uv's. is there a possibility to divide the mastercurve in same segmentsize? or is there a uv tool to solve my problem outside from moi?at the moment i use 3ds max and so far i know there is no way to solve this nasty problem in short time.

hope somebody can help me.

thanks in advance.


EDITED: 18 Oct 2010 by CRYDEE