Optimize 3D models: Atangeo Balancer

 From:  PaQ
3813.14 In reply to 3813.13 
Hi Atangeo,

Thats great, I'll probably buy a copy at the end of the month :).

Hi Pilou,

I did a quick test versus Zbrush decimation,

(bottom of the page)

For models comming 'outside' zbrush (the modo rhino model in this example), Balancer is much better for the same reasons I posted here : no long micro triangle, no high valance vertex = better shading, especially when you optimize your model at a very low polygon count. Silhouette and shading lools better.

Now the story is different when you decimate a model created in zbrush, maybe decimation master use the subdivision levels info somehow when precomputing the mesh, but for the same polygon count, details are better preserved in zbrush.

But I didnt made tons of test either.

Thanks for the Meshlab link, I'll give a try ... when I have some freetime.
