re Sketchup Export

 From:  Michael Gibson
3790.2 In reply to 3790.1 
Hi Igor, currently there is not any mechanism built into MoI's SketchUp exporter to make group entities.

It seems like it could be a bit odd to just create a group for every object, for objects that did not have any kind of special grouping specified for them inside of MoI itself...

What specifically is the problem that you're having with processing the objects after importing them into SketchUp? SketchUp seems to have some built-in support for only grabbing connected objects for selection, for example if you export a scene with 3 separate box solids out of MoI into SketchUp, if you triple click on one of the boxes, that whole box will select and you can do things like move it, rotate it, etc...

You can also draw directly on objects transferred from MoI, push/pull them, etc.... is that the kind of further processing that you're talking about? That kind of stuff seems to be working already though.

Is there some kind of special processing that SketchUp is only able to do with groups and not with regular non-grouped objects?

- Michael