Best MoI Export for Modo?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3721.7 In reply to 3721.5 
Hi Nick,

> Paq, wasnt there some thing with having to export
> each object individually? because they get grouped
> in modo and will only take 1 material?

There shouldn't be any need to export each object as separate files or anything like that.

Objects in Modo aren't restricted to only have 1 material for the whole object, you should be able to assign separate materials to different faces within the same mesh object.

Also you can control how things are grouped into mesh objects in Modo by assigning names to the objects in MoI.

If you assign the same name to 2 objects, and you also have "Combined same name objects" turned on under Options > Import/Export, then those objects will get grouped together as one mesh item in the LWO file.

- Michael