Best MoI Export for Modo?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3721.19 In reply to 3721.18 
Hi Anton I see - but that's a pretty unusual circumstance to actually want to render a faceted look to your objects rather than a smooth render.

> For any non-expert switching over to Modo (and case he also
> wants faceted geometry rendered in Modo) this would be only
> an comprehensible option to get a clue what's going on.

I'm not really sure that having a checkbox for disabling vertex normals would actually solve this problem... For example if someone didn't know how vertex normals would affect their rendering it would also be easy for them to not know they had to uncheck that option (and then also adjust the material properties in Modo) in order to get a faceted render look.

I think it's just something that you need to know how to work in Modo - if you have any vertex normal map it should be deleted to get that effect.

That's a good thing to know how to work in Modo because other kinds of file imports into Modo can also create vertex normals, like importing an OBJ file for example. So if you don't learn how Modo works you could easily run into the same problems when importing other kinds of files from other programs as well.

> then I was really annoyed (never dealt with vertex maps so far)
> that I couldn't get the clue, even when switching off the smooth
> option in the assigned material, why there wouldn't be any
> facets at all.

Yes, it seems like that could be some confusing UI in Modo, where it looks like you are disabling smoothing but nothing happens.

Maybe you could report that UI problem to Luxology and see if they can improve the UI so that it won't be so confusing in that particular area. Possibly if you disable smoothing in the material it could stop vertex normals from being used or something like that.

- Michael