Best MoI Export for Modo?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3721.13 In reply to 3721.12 
Hi NightCabbage,

> So it sounds like I should use MoI's Styles to define each
> of the end model's material groups in modo?

Yup, that's one of the main purposes for MoI's Styles mechanism - to give you a way to set up material assignments for exporting to LWO and OBJ formats.

> Also, does the MoI option for LWO files "scale output units to meters"
> literally convert each 1 unit of MoI to a meter in Modo?
> (what's the best way to deal with smaller units?)

LWO files don't have any way to mark what units the file are in, and the way that Modo works it assumes that the units of the LWO file are in meters.

So for example if you create a line that has length = 5 cm in MoI and save it to LWO, Modo will actually interpret that value of 5 as being 5 meters.

But if you enable that option, then MoI will scale what it writes into the LWO file to convert it to meters, so for example if you have 5 cm in MoI with that option enabled it will scale all coordinates by 0.01 to convert from cm into meters, resulting in the value of 0.05 being written to the file. Then when Modo reads it, it will see the value as 0.05 meters which will be the same size as your original 5 cm in MoI.

Modo is not the only program that works with LWO files though, and other programs may not have the same "assume the LWO file is in meters" behavior to it, that's why that's an option to do the scaling.

- Michael