Top 5 Features list for V3 !

 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.399 In reply to 3628.398 
Hi Pilou,

> A special color for the generator curves
> or maybe this is yet existing in the moi. ini ?

I try not to use special fixed colors for objects in MoI to convey special information other than for selection, because there is already a feature where you can control curve and surface color yourself by assigning styles to them and using the styles as a way to visually distinguish different groups.

Every kind of special color that is used for a different purpose then makes it hard for that color to be used as a style color, and also if a curve would use a special color in some circumstances would it override the style color?

So that would kind of come into general conflict with the already existing feature that you can control curve colors by their style assignment.

- Michael