
 From:  Michael Gibson
3621.6 In reply to 3621.5 
Hi dojn, you'd probably want to use that technique I showed earlier for making a larger amount of the whole cockpit.

But there are a couple of different things you can try apart from that as well.

One is to model the tip as a separate surface using Revolve, which makes for a nicely rounded shape at the very end, like this:

Then scale that so that it matches the end of your current shape better:

Then delete any end caps so that the surfaces are open at the ends, and select these 2 edges:

And run Construct > Blend to create a new smooth surface connecting them, like this:

I've attached a 3DM model file with one result from that.

Another thing you can try is to extend your shape a bit longer, past where you want the rounded tip to be instead of stopping it before there, and then cut off the end with a surface and fillet them, that's similar to the previous steps that I was showing.

- Michael