Web site update

 From:  Michael Gibson
3617.34 In reply to 3617.32 
Hi marco, yup I'm familiar with those first 2.

The main thing that is annoying with CSS font sizing is that there is a lot different behavior between different browsers - WebKit and Opera do not handle point text sizes in a good way, they don't actually use the DPI of your screen.

Normally in a desktop application when you want to create text at say 10pt height, you calculate the corresponding pixel size by applying the screen DPI, so that the actual pixel height is calibrated by the user's DPI setting.

It does work that way in IE and Firefox, but unfortunately in WebKit and Opera, they just seem to ignore the screen DPI setting and pretend that it's always a fixed value. That results in a smaller font size in those browsers in higher DPI situations. But I guess if I worry about fixing that then I get too large of a size in other cases so I guess I'll just have to let WebKit and Opera users scale up text if it is too small.

- Michael