3d coat vs zbrush

 From:  Colin
3601.26 In reply to 3601.24 
Hi Burr,

Great looking ring, Well done!!

""" Does anyone know if 3dcoat can do this? """
""" I've searchred over there a bit and only found something related to bringing a poly model in to voxels... """

The feature your looking for is called "Reduction" & is available when your doing the Export.
This is what I'm currently testing & it appears to be working OK...I still need to test cut something though.

There's also something similar where you can "Clone & Degrade" the model to reduce it's mesh.
The Clone & Degrade feature was what I was previously using prior doing the Export.
The new Reduction feature mentioned above, has to a larger degree saved me having to use the Clone & Degrade.

regards Colin