3d coat vs zbrush

 From:  Michael Gibson
3601.17 In reply to 3601.15 
Hi Burr,

> Can these packages control the poly dicing the way that MoI Can?

In some cases you are working directly with polygons, so you have a really high density polygon soup that then has the polygons modified.

3D Coat's voxel editing mode does have something where you convert from voxels to sub-d surfaces I think, and then you can probably adjust the density of the final output polygons created from the sub-d smoothing process.

> SO a question would be: If I make a nice NURBS model in MoI, then
> add some texture to one of the surfaces in 3dcoat and export as stl,
> what is the quality, or do I have control of the quality of the resulting
> stl surface as a michinable surface trying to replicate smooth stuff...

Well, the whole purpose of these sculpting programs is to produce an organic looking shape, and organic objects are made up of smooth looking surfaces. So they generally have a focus in them for dicing up polygons to make enough of them so that things look like they are smooth.

From what you described you would probably want to go with 3D-Coat.

- Michael