Need advice joining complex surface

 From:  BurrMan
3593.35 In reply to 3593.34 
Hi Michael,
Thank you very much. I guess I didnt look at it very closely, I thought I looked for that kind of stuff. But then again, 0.0000007 is very small and perhaps I didnt look close enough!!! LOL

Not to drag this out, but just a finish up for me... It appeared this iges file came from NX also, and I was wondering about this poor geometry creation. It appears to be a simple hole punched with a fillet on the edge. Could this type of issue be getting created by the filleter mechanism? I mean, when I punch simple holes like this in a revolve with MoI and fillet the edges, When the fillet succeeds, I get good surface quality. I realize that if I create a poor curve to punch my hole, this would create this kind of issue....But if I create a simple circle, it would surely be avoided!!! Could it be a loose tolerance setting in NX that would allow it to create these anomolies by just "slapping things together"?

I know there are many variables, and you are not a mind/model reader...Just looking for a "best guess" situation or more brain picking on your judgement of what has happened here....Perhaps these are just bugs in NX5 as that is old now compared to 7.5.
