view 3dm files on iphone, ipad

 From:  Micha
3584.9 In reply to 3584.8 
If you would add ini options for displaymesh-to-3dm save, than no user who don't need it would get a large file. The problem is, that it isn't need allways. So, if I could enabled per shortcut than it could be better.

If the display mesh is saved to the 3dm, than it can be extracted at Rhino ... ;)

> Isn't that a different thing than whether to store render/display meshes on NURBS objects in the 3DM file or not?

Yes, I hoped, if you can save display meshes to the 3dm file per special option, than you could allow a mesh export too. It would help so a lot. I could mesh complete scenes within one pass. OK, you havn't the 3dm file format available at the export format list, but couldn't you not allow it to enable this output for advanced users per ini option. So, user who enable it, know that this 3dm meshes can't be reimported. Please try to add this feature, it could save a lot of work.

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