view 3dm files on iphone, ipad

 From:  rabbit
3584.3 In reply to 3584.2 
No, it looks like it is the whole file, minus the mesh. If i email myself one of the sample files, i get the whole nurbs model, and when importing it into rhino for the first time, it has to create the render meshes. (couldn't open that file direct in moi because it was a V5 file). So i will do a little testing and report back....

Are you intending to expose the meshes within a moi file at all?
I find it frustrating that, for example, if i have a 3dm ex rhino that has both meshes and nurbs, that it is only the nurbs that will come across - a case in point last week was a file that had some mesh ex the 3D warehouse in it, and i wanted to eventually end up with everything in sketchup, thru moi (because of its excellent su export)....

There is another app called stl viewer which can i think import obj files, so maybe that is the way to go for moi users...


EDITED: 2 Jun 2010 by RABBIT