WIP Railing

 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.23 In reply to 3579.22 
Hi vinced,

> if it is just duplicating then o.k. ,but if its more than that
> i don`t want to lose MOI`s snapping.

Well, your ironwork pieces have a lot of repetition with the repeated panels, right? That looks like it would be a good candidate.

You also can do the instancing in some larger sections if it is more convenient, for example instead of doing it at an individual panel-by-panel level you could make the whole one side of the railing on the stairs to be an instance, then place instances on each side of each stairs.

Or this is another good candidate to have this whole piece as an instance and then have it replicated to the floors above:

re: Collada, I haven't really dug into it too deeply yet but it does appear to support instances.

- Michael