sweep help

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3575.49 In reply to 3575.46 
Hi Steve,

> I think overall that MoI is no good for my work,
> MoI output is not accurate enough and when the
> models are taken into the other packages I use there are many errors,

Just curious, what other packages do you use ?

I use NX6 at work and I have done various models in MoI with quite good results when importing into NX, we work to an accuracy of 0.005mm(0.0002") and 99% of the time the models from MoI pass the tolerance check amongst the other surface checks which do well most of the time, if a surface does fail it doesn't take much to fix.

I don't know how complex the models are that you are bringing in from MoI to your other packages but this model I made 2 years ago in V1 passed the tolerance check at 0.005mm, there were a couple tiny objects and a couple of self intersections which where caused by the fillets which took me no more than 5 minutes to fix.

I believe working below an accuracy of 0.005mm is impractical in the real world unless you're into nanotechnology which is an entirely different world altogether.

If your getting a lot of errors with your models maybe try another modeling technique, like, I found I get better results if I use basic curves and arcs where possible instead of a freeform curve where you don't know what degree it is or how many segments it has.

I actually purchased MoI for home use and truthfully, I didn't expect a super accurate solid modeler but in the end it has preformed better than my expectations, I can even say it does better in a lot of areas than some mainstream CAD modelers that cost 10 to 20 times more.
