V3 Wish: Mesh export density adjustment

 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
3570.5 In reply to 3570.4 
Hi Marc,

Sorry for the slow reply.

Many thanks for the tip. I haven't had a chance to try it but I will be with this current model. I have UVMapper Pro. This technique might also enable me to use Ultimate Unwrap which has some useful texture template options but in my tests made a mess of the vertex normals.

I'm surprised that Milkshape didn't work for you. What version did you try? Do you have a small test obj you could post that shows what didn't work?

Like you, I've tried a lot of software to deal with this but the selection which worked for me is really small.

I'm really looking forward to the obj merger if Michael can find some free time to do it.

