GUI Aesthetics Closed  Locked

 From:  Michael Gibson
3567.52 In reply to 3567.41 
Hi Olio, I actually agree with several of your comments there, I'll address them one by one:

> 1 - "This arrow bothers me, I don't understand why it is dark blue. It should have equal space top, bottom, and right"

This is one that I don't particularly agree with though - the color here is fine.

The spacing is an issue that would be nice to have perfect, however MoI's entire UI is based on a scalable system - that's why it has the unique feature of having a "UI size" slider in options, where you can tweak the size of the UI to whatever you want.

Part of that scalability comes at the cost of not having fixed "to the pixel" spacing in various spots of the UI.

It seems that most of your complaints have to do with that. But hard coding specific pixel spacing in areas would have the bad side effect of also hard coding the UI size as well. MoI's scalable UI is quite useful in many circumstances, especially working on laptops where sometimes the screen is not very large, and also sometimes a laptop screen has a very high DPI and a fixed pixel size UI is too small on it.

> 2 - This text has no breathing space underneath it, it looks like it's crammed down there not in line with anything.

That is again a side effect of the UI scaling mechanism, if you go and tweak the UI size slider up or down just a slight amount you will likely see that particular spacing change to be nicer.

> 3 - These icons look little too big, should reduce them to 80% of the original size.

You mean specifically the Undo/Redo icons? I do agree that those could use some tweaking, probably desaturating them a bit and slightly reducing their size would be a good idea.

However, the idea that you just could not stand to use the undo/redo button because they are just _SO_ ugly and horrible that you can't even bring yourself to click on them is ridiculous - that's basically what the original poster was saying about the UI.

By the way, the Undo/Redo buttons here come from a professional icon designer's icon pack, I did not draw them myself.

One of the really funny things that I've found is that people have said "You should get a professional designer to draw this particular icon, I don't like it", and often times they are referring to an icon that was actually done by a professional designer.

> 4 - Again it don't line up with anything, looks chaotic! Random placement, no structure.

Again, that's something that comes along with having a scalable UI rather than one that is fixed in pixel size.

> 5 - Too big in comparison with the Moi Button next to it.

I agree with this one too, but that one you are complaining about here is modeled closely after the standard Windows minimize/restore images in Windows XP, it's not really something that I just randomly came up with.

I think that I am going to be tweaking these at some point to look more like the newer style min/restore buttons though.

> 6 - Browser button, not in line, looks out of place there...

Where would you expect to find it?

Overall I agree with several of your criticisms.

However, a key thing is that they are all extremely minor quibbles, nothing even vaguely remotely in the vicinity of being "oh so bad that I can't even look at it" as was originally described.

And many of the problems that you find are actually related to having the nice feature of being able to scale the UI to different sizes rather than having it locked at a fixed pixel size.

Overall, I don't find anything that you wrote very convincing that the MoI UI is so terrible and cannot even be looked at, I totally stand by my earlier reply.

- Michael