GUI Aesthetics Closed  Locked

 From:  Dan (CORNYSH)
3567.44 In reply to 3567.41 
Yeah... but it's AESTHETICS right? It's not as if this damages functionality and prevents people from using it, which is what Enzo claims in the original post (well, maybe it prevents Enzo). The over-reaction lies with Enzo, not the other MoI users or Michael.

Pratically speaking, the problem with small changes like the ones you suggest is that "fixing" them in a certain way may satisfy YOU but is so subjective that it will probably simultaneously annoy someone else. I had never even noticed the blue arrow before, for example. This is trivial stuff. Even assuming that you are right and that the aesthetics need improving (and I personally disagree) Michael is only one man. There are only 24 hours in a day. He cannot do everything. There must be a prioritised "to do" list and I know I would prefer Michael to be working on something like functions for grouping objects rather than agonising over the exact shade of an arrow or the alignment of the browser button.

This thread is going nowhere. Time to lock it I think...
