GUI Aesthetics Closed  Locked

 From:  omac12
3567.16 In reply to 3567.13 
Enzo, please don't take this the wrong way, but you have managed to confuse me. I am in opposition to something you said.

You said

Aesthetics = attractiveness

and then disagreed with my opinion that aesthetics were subjective.

Attractiveness = pleasing to the eye or mind. Charming ... and a lot of other similar words and phrases that are sort of close in a lesser way to beauty. I'm having a hard time figuring out how anything defined as pleasing to the eye or mind can be anything other than subjective. I don't know you, but I'd be willing to wager a very large sum of money that what I considered attractive would be something other than what you would if we are from different cultures, environments, upbringing etc. I hope you are not saying that there could possibly be a 'correct' definition of attractive? I'm sorry, but I disagree with any idea along those lines.

If you are speaking of something definite like cohesiveness, regularity or whatever might be more concrete than attractiveness maybe something could actually be discussed regarding it, but I don't agree that anyone's idea of 'attractiveness' might be more valid than another's.

Please note if this comes across as strongly worded it is not intended to be that way at all. I understand that I normally don't write precisely what I'm trying to say. I'm not sure why, but I've been told that, so I hope it makes sense and conveys my intentions accurately.