Dynamic reloading of scripts

 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
3544.12 In reply to 3544.11 
Brian, I think we have a disconnect somewhere. I thought you were looking for something to allow you to reload scripts dynamically.

If what you want is to display your current MoI shortcuts, the following Python script I just wrote should do it (at least for Vista/Windows 7):
from os import environ
from os.path import join

def key_sort ( l, r ):
    result = cmp( len( l ), len( r ) )
    if result != 0: return result
    return cmp( l, r )
shortcuts = {}
ini = open( join( environ[ 'APPDATA' ], 'Moi', 'moi.ini' ), 'rb' )
lines = [ line.strip() for line in ini.readlines() ]
max_key = 0
for i in xrange( lines.index( '[Shortcut Keys]' ) + 1, len( lines ) ):
    line = lines[i]
    if line[:1] == '[':
    col = line.find( '=' )
    if col >= 0:
        key = line[ :col ].strip()
        max_key = max( max_key, len( key ) )
        shortcuts[ key ] = line[ col + 1: ].strip()
pad = ' ' * max_key
keys = shortcuts.keys()
keys.sort( key_sort )
n = len( keys[0] )
c = ' '
for key in keys:
    if (n != len( key )) or ((n > 1) and (key[:1] != c)):
        n = len( key )
        c = key[:1]
    print (key + pad)[ : max_key], '=', shortcuts[ key ]

When I run this on my system, it produces the following output:
A            = Rotate
C            = Circle
D            = BooleanDifference
F            = Fillet
H            = script:moi.geometryDatabase.hide();
J            = Join
L            = Line
M            = Move
O            = Offset
R            = Rectangle
T            = Trim
U            = BooleanUnion
V            = Mirror
X            = Extrude

F1           = script:moi.launchHelp();

Ctrl+A       = script:moi.geometryDatabase.selectAll();
Ctrl+C       = CopyClipboard
Ctrl+N       = New
Ctrl+O       = Open
Ctrl+S       = Save
Ctrl+V       = Paste
Ctrl+X       = Cut
Ctrl+Y       = script:moi.command.redo();
Ctrl+Z       = script:moi.command.undo();

Delete       = Delete

Ctrl+Shift+C = CopyClipboardWithOrigin
Ctrl+Shift+V = PastePart

Let me know if this is something like what you had in mind...

- Dave Morrill