Shading error in Autodesk Viz 2007

 From:  Michael Gibson
3542.5 In reply to 3542.1 
Hi tupu, I'm sorry but I don't really know the specifics of how the UVW modifier in Autodesk Viz 2007 works.

That seems to be something particular with Viz's behavior, you will probably need to post in a more Viz or 3DS Max specific discussion forum to find out about that.

From your screenshots, it does appear as if the vertex normals are getting recalculated from scratch when that modifier is applied.

If you are using the MoI v2 beta one thing you might try is to use FBX format for the export instead of OBJ, I added FBX format export into MoI v2 specifically to help get better vertex normals transfer into 3ds Max, because the Max OBJ importer is not that great.

Also make sure you have an updated FBX importer for Viz as well, you can get the newest FBX import plugins for 3ds Max here:

There is a link at the bottom there for "Plug-in and Converter Archives" which you might try for older versions than Max 2011.

- Michael