Problem scripting a 'trim' operation

 From:  Michael Gibson
3541.30 In reply to 3541.29 
Hi Dave, I see what you mean.

So there is actually an .update() being called by the system on your factory there.

Right now when a factory is created, it goes on the "active factory list", and in the pointpicker, if any binding was applied that set factory input value, update is then called on all factories in the active factory list.

That probably needs an overhaul so that it only calls update on factories that actually had an input modified. Also maybe there should be a flag that you could pass to createFactory to avoid it getting placed on the active factory list, or maybe just calling calculate() by itself should take it off the active list.

That active list is again something used for interactive commands, so that factories that are "running" are kept track of so that they can be canceled if a command is forced to exit.

The factory is removed from the active list is commit() or cancel() is called on it, so that's why calling cancel() fixes that up. You'll need to call cancel() for now to avoid unwanted updates on that factory later on.

- Michael