Problem scripting a 'trim' operation

 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
3541.24 In reply to 3541.22 

> Do you call .commit() though? commit() implicitly calls update() if there has not been an update done once already.

No, the only calls I am making on a factory object are: setInput, calculate and cancel (for most operations), and setInput, generateFragments, calculate and reset (for 'trim' operations). I verified this by grepping my procedural library for 'commit' or 'update', and did not find any matches anywhere.

BTW, I spoke too soon in my last post :-(. I am still seeing the weird post-script state where I have to hit enter or esc to get back to normal. The behavior I am seeing makes it look like it is a 'trim' operation side effect...

Upon script completion, a number of points I created are (correctly) in the selected state (i.e. highlighted). If I mouse around, I can unselect/select any of these points (which are all trim fragment endpoints), but cannot select any other geometry in the scene. Once I press enter, then everything is fine again (i.e. I can select any geometry in the scene). So it looks like 'trim' has somehow left MoI in a trim related picking state. I'll play around with 'cancel' and other operations on the factory some more to see if I can 'cure' this)...

- Dave Morrill