What does the "Merge" command do ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3515.4 In reply to 3515.3 
Hi DesuDeus,

> You mean it will be possible to do a boolean union using
> surfaces instead of solids ?

Actually it is possible to do that already, select the 2 surfaces in the attached 3DM file and run boolean union on them.

But mostly boolean union and booleans in general are more oriented towards working with solids though, the methods that the different boolean functions use to determine which pieces to keep and which to discard is based mostly on how the different volumes interact with one another.

There is a special "plane healing" mechanism in boolean union that tries to detect when 2 planes have been glued together and tries to make a single larger plane.

Merge for surfaces would be kind of similar to that - it will take 2 untrimmed surfaces and glue them together into one single larger untrimmed surface without an edge between them unlike Join.

- Michael