Rhino + T-Splines and MoI 3D ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3513.4 In reply to 3513.1 
Hi DesuDeus,

> I mean converting the usual nurb surface to a T-Splines one
> and then ctrl-c it again back to MoI ?

I think T-splines are set up with more the opposite way as the idea - that you would start something in T-splines and then convert from the T-spline to a regular NURBS surface for doing things like booleans, etc...

T-splines does have a mechanism to convert an untrimmed NURBS surface into a T-spline, it looks like you use the tsConvert command to do that.

But only a full surface can be converted like that, I think things like trim curves or booleaned away areas will be ignored.

- Michael