Please help with this with blend

 From:  Michael Gibson
3509.5 In reply to 3509.4 
Hi niko, network can actually have a pretty similar shaping problem in areas where things are collapsing down to a single point.

It's kind of a general geometry problem in a certain sense - when shapes are shrinking down if there is any irregular spacing like different distances being traveled on either side (which is hard to avoid), the differences tend to create irregularities in the collapsed down area. There tends to be too much difference between the area immediately away from the collapsed point, creating twisting or torquing pretty easily.

To get the best quality surfaces you kind of want to avoid collapsing if you can - collapsing and pinching kind of just tend to go together.

If you can make an extended surface that does not have collapsing in it and instead punches right through the other surface, that can be more robust. You kind of give up some amount of "direct control" with this method though because you rely more on how a surface intersects with another one to give you your outline rather than having drawn it directly.

I have an example of how this would work in your situation which I'll post shortly.

- Michael