Weights and Super-Ellipses

 From:  Michael Gibson
3504.2 In reply to 3504.1 
Hi Fredrik, I guess it is possible to have a close approximation of a Superellipse as a weighted NURBS curve, I found a reference here:


See section: 30.3.5 Superellipse to NURBS Curve

But I believe that this is the first time anybody has asked for a superellipse primitive directly in MoI... I'm not sure about adding that in to the default UI - it is kind of bad for the default UI to get overly clogged up with too many really specialized things in it.

It seems like it could be something to add in as a plugin instead of as a default primitive.

Also have you tried using the Conic command to make a very similar kind of a shape? That will make a hyperbola segment. (EDIT: that will actually be the same as your tests with setting the weight on the middle point so you did end up trying this already).

I'm not quite sure but that chapter above may be trying to fit a hyperbola to the super ellipse as well.

- Michael