
 From:  ed (EDDYF)
He seems to have retracted his statement, but again without really clarifying what the upgrade policy is.

As a Hypershot user from ver 1, I've been amazed at the "attitude" that comes across from Bunkspeed in their forums. Not just dealing with policy issues, but technical issues and licensing issues as well. Whoever has been in charge of their forums appears to be disconnected from management, development, and marketing. Certainly he has no customer service skills.

What I find amazing is how Bunkspeed continues their "attitude" in the face of new and exciting competition in the render market. I think past performance is a predictor of future performance, and if I qualify for an upgrade to my HD package (just going by their CEO) I'll try it out. But it will take a complete turn-around before I purchase another Bunkspeed product. Realistically, before that happens I will have invested time learning another program.

If Bunkspeed considers anyone spending under $1,000 to not be a "serious user", then I'll support one of the several companies that offer excellent products and support for people like me without a corporate budget.
