MOI's blend weird result

 From:  Michael Gibson
3475.15 In reply to 3475.14 
Hi jonah, well most of the time Network is composed of a lot of bendy curves and is not particularly a "match to dimensioned spec" type command either.

> But it's unlike NetworkSrf which gives you tolerance options
> and can make a big difference in resulting surface match
> and density...

Other commands in Rhino often do not have a separately adjustable rail fitting tolerance as well for example Sweep1 and Sweep2. That does not mean that you should use Network instead of Sweep when Sweep would be easier.

In Rhino it is generally intended that things should use the overall model tolerance instead of each command trying to have its own individual one.

In the case of NetworkSrf, the reason why Rhino has it separate there is not actually to increase accuracy but instead to decrease it. Network by its nature has a tendency to kind of explode with a lot of control points and decreasing accuracy helps to lighten the control point density.

In MoI v3 I'll probably be doing some refinements on MoI's curve fitting process to try and produce some lighter results automatically without needing to tweak tolerances.

It's pretty nice if things can just work well without forcing people to have to fiddle with various semi-arcane tolerance settings.

- Michael