Detailing workflow

 From:  Oskar_L

I wonder if anyone has a good workflow for adding extra detail to your exported MOI meshes?

For example, I need to add some welding creases to a T from joined cylinders. First I tried to use the paint tool in modo to make a displacement texture. This didn't produce very good results. It was ok in some areas and bad in others. I guess you have to add some time to straighten out the UV's for this to work.

Then I exported a much more dense mesh from MOI to modo, still using the LWO format. Now I tried to use the sculpt tools to produce the extra details. But when deforming the mesh the normals messed up. I kind of expected that. Now I deleted the vertex normal map and everything looks good. So I guess I can use it in this case.

But can I expect this workflow to work for other more complex meshes? Reading this post,, the vertex normal map seems crucial to get corrct surface smoothing.

Any suggestions is deeply appreciated!
