WIP - "Aurora" Cruiser

 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
3465.9 In reply to 3465.8 
Hello Michael:

Actually, I posted all the steps in the spanish forum I linked in the first message.
When I was drawing it, I only posted my doubts about the hull in this forum. My idea was to show the power of MoI3D between the spanish language users, because it is the biggest forum for us (Spain and South America). After that I would like to write a small tutorial and hold it in the tutorial section.
I don´t know if there are a increase of spanish people asking about MoI since that :-D

I have any renders after I exported it to Blender and rendered it in Luxblender, but they are awful and then there are in other computer. Anyway I´ll post any images....but maybe the best idea is to give the model to Mark Brown for get a wonder like that O:-)