Tet-Hex Mesh

 From:  Michael Gibson
3419.4 In reply to 3419.3 
Hi Burr, you might look at some of these:

Kubrix: http://www.siw.com/index.html

Moldex: http://www.moldex3d.com/

CADRE looks like it may be able to do some analysis work on surface meshes like MoI creates, rather than only volumetric ones: http://www.cadreanalytic.com/

Strand7: http://strand7.com

Some of these have plug-ins that run inside of Rhino:

Since geometry can be moved very well from MoI into Rhino, a combination of Rhino + one of these plugins from a company that specializes in this kind of stuff could be a good way to go.

I think that there are a variety of other analysis programs out there as well, so you might keep looking for other ones as well.

- Michael