Tet-Hex Mesh

 From:  BurrMan
3419.3 In reply to 3419.2 
Hi Michael,
I was looking at FEA. I contacted Cubit for the meshing, but they want big dough and didnt respond to my request for an eval extension. I was looking at lisa to do some integration with MoI, but the only support is STL (yours does a great job, and I still have some research to do with the Lisa and STL) but they recommend against that mesh strategy. They dont do NURBS import and require rebuilding the model inside of Lisa.

Anyway, I understand that it wont be something you can/want to tackle with MoI. I was hoping it was some kind of quick tweek to your method, since it does such a powerful job already.

I suppose there's a reason all those others cost big dough. I'm a little miffed that our gov has developed a great one and gives it away in places, but wont let it go for us "little taxpayers".
