Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.50 In reply to 3386.46 
Hi Radiance,

* I am not re-calculating vertex normals in octane, if they are present in the OBJ file, they are read and used directly for rendering. they are not modified or re-created by an averaging process.

Every test that PaQ has done is showing otherwise though.

A good simple test is the cylinder case I posted above - if the vertex normals from the file were being used for shading, that would render as a completely smooth cylinder instead of in segments with visible breaks between them.

Also another thing doesn't make any sense - if you're using the vertex normals from the file for shading, then why are you also doing stuff related to smoothing groups?

A smoothing mechanism is something that is only used when you are creating vertex normals from polygon faces.

So it is simply not physically possible to both be using stored vertex normals, and at the same time using a smoothing group mechanism - if you are using smoothing groups it means you are calculating vertex normals and if you are calculating vertex normals it means you are not using the stored ones...

It's an "either or" situation - Either you are using the stored vertex normals, _OR_ you are using a smoothing group mechanism to create vertex normals.

You can't be doing both at the same time.

All signs point towards you creating the normals from the polygon data and not using the normals from the OBJ file to shade with.

- Michael