Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  PaQ
3386.44 In reply to 3386.42 
Hi Phil,

It's still completely amazing that Radiance is trying to resolve this shading issues using smoothing groups.
It doesn't make any sence ... it's like importing the object in 3dsmax, remove the vertex normal map, and
using the smoothing group system to rebuild the normal and the sharp edges. That will NEVER match the accuracy and
the shading look from the original .obj with proper vertex normal.

This is how it looks in modo, without any smooth group, nor edge split.

Now, the smoothing goup system is super cool for poly software, it's definitively a nice feature ... it will enhance MoI (or cad)
models a lot, but will never come close to other render engine solution like C4D, Modo, LW, Maya Max etc.

Well it's just a non progammer advice :P

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ