Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  PaQ
3386.4 In reply to 3386.2 
Yop, I only export my stuff in triangles, but it don't really help.

Basically it's the same problem that I have in max 1 year ago ... nothing can really fix it until the normal vertex channel is used (thanks to the .fbx export).

Radiance just reply me, saying that smoothing group is not yet supported and that I have to split my edges 'by hand' ... but ... smoothing group is not the problem here right ? (I'm quite limited when I'm trying to explain technical stuffs in english :)).

I can understand splitting gemotry is quite easy when using a poly modeler ... but I don't see how I can do that in gemotry coming from MoI ... and dont think if any smoothing group feature in octane will really help here.

Michael, if you have any link about normal vertex map from nurbs surface explanation (and how read them from .obj files) so I can copy/paste it on the Octane forum, would be great :P