Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.25 In reply to 3386.23 
Hi PaQ, re: Modo cube - so the cube generated only from Modo has the same kind of problem, it is not supposed to look like that right?

So that's some good information to send over to him in a kind of a batch, like:

Here's an OBJ file generated from MoI. Here's what it looks like in Octane, it's messed up.

Here's an OBJ file generated from Modo (created from scratch in Modo, nothing at all from MoI in this case). Here's what it looks like in Octane, it's also messed up in the same kind of a way.

Here's what both of these OBJ files look like rendered in some other rendering programs (Modo, Max, whatever), they render both of these cubes as expected, with distinct flat faces.

It looks like Octane is not reading in the vertex normals from the file - even though the cube faces have shared vertices (the xyz vertex locations), each face has separate vertex normals specified in the file, but when Octane reads it in, it does not seem to be using the vertex normals that were specified in the file and seems to be creating some other ones, maybe ones that are shared between the faces although that is not how they are in the OBJ file.

- Michael