Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.17 In reply to 3386.12 
Hi PaQ, sorry I missed the bottom part of your earlier post, you asked:

> Does Modo actually manage this micro triangles thanks to the vertex
> normal coming from MoI, or is it something else.

Yes, it handles them well because of having the accurate normals that come from the NURBS surface.

You can usually have pretty horrendous looking wireframe triangles but that look just like the original NURBS surface when shaded, if they use the normals that came from the original surface.

Otherwise, if trying to create normals only by averaging adjacent face normals, that's much more sensitive to the topology of the triangles, and things like abrupt changes from one polygon to the next. Some long skinny triangle will factor into the averaging process with the same weight as some larger polygon from a plane or something like that. That creates irregularities in the shading.

Actually when you have n-gons in Modo the stuff getting rendered is something just like that "triangles only" export from MoI - Modo will keep an internal triangulation of the n-gon and it is the triangulation that will actually get shaded. N-gons are nice for other things like cleaner wireframe display, polygon selection and management type stuff, but they are not used directly for shading though.

- Michael