Mesh - Matching resolution along edges

 From:  PaQ
3365.10 In reply to 3365.9 

\\ Hi PaQ - I don't really expect to have an actual full unwrap mechanism built into MoI, it's a pretty complex area that I don't have much specific experience in.

Ho I can imagine, as there are dedicated tools for this since years ... so yes it's probably a full time job.

\\ What I expect that I can do would be to separate each surface UVs into different islands instead of having them overlapping over the whole texture rectangle. That's going to involve just scaling and placement of the current implicitly generated UVs though, which is not exactly the same as an actual "unwrap" type calculation.

I get it, that would be great allready. That's something packing from Modo/Uvlayout are supposed to do (pack + stetch ) ... but it doesn't work that great. Modo often just freeze when models are a little bit complex, and uvlayout stetching is not correct/accurate enough (still a lot of distortion on one axis).