Is it possible to add a point on curve visualization

 From:  Michael Gibson
3364.3 In reply to 3364.1 
Hi Allan, also another detail is that certain kinds of curves that you create in MoI such as circles, arcs, and ellipses are what are called "Rational" curves. These are curves that have a "weight" value associated with each control point in addition to the x,y,z values.

The AI format does not have any mechanism in it to represent weight values for rational curves, so for these kinds of curves when you export to AI a new non-rational curve is created to approximate them by an adaptive fitting process.

So once again what I'm trying to describe is that in many cases the output to AI is not 100% the same as what is used at run-time inside of MoI. There are a couple of different kinds of transformations of the data that are going on, so the "AI points" that it seems like you are interested in do not actually exist in MoI during its normal operation, they are calculated at export time in many cases.

The points that you currently see with "Show pts" are the points that MoI uses for defining the curve.

One way you could get the exact same points displayed is if you only create 4-point control point curves (with the Draw curve > Freeform > Control points command) which will be the same thing as an AI bezier curve, and then make longer curves by chaining several of these 4 point curves together - that's how a Bezier curve system works internally. But that will be quite awkward, since MoI is overall more designed to work with NURBS curves.

NURBS curves were actually invented in order to make a more smooth curve than what you can normally get by just chaining separate individual Bezier segments together.

- Michael