Is it possible to add a point on curve visualization

 From:  Michael Gibson
3364.2 In reply to 3364.1 
Hi Allan, could you describe in some more detail what you would want the "Show Points On Curve" to do?

One thing to note is that MoI uses a system of curves that is called "NURBS curves", and when you do an Edit > Show pts, that is showing the control point hull for the NURBS curves.

When you export to an AI file, the NURBS are actually transformed to a related kind of a curve called a Bezier curve, which can be done by splitting up NURBS curves into smaller pieces.

So the points that you see in the AI file have actually gone through a kind of transformation, the NURBS curves that you are working with in MoI can be diced up like that into small pieces but normally they are made up of a longer series of points, which is one of the things that makes it easier to make a totally smooth curve with NURBS which is harder to do (beyond tangency) with a simple chain of Beziers.

It kind of sounds like you may be asking for showing Bezier style points in MoI, when MoI is actually using NURBS curves and not strictly Beziers.

- Michael