MoI -> Octane render (little problems)

 From:  Michael Gibson
3334.9 In reply to 3334.8 
Hi Dan, in MoI a command is a bunch of script as well, so script is kind of "lower level" than a command - commands themselves are made up of it.

Unfortunately it takes a lot of time and effort to do a full documentation for all the scripting stuff, so I don't have any proper documentation for it right now. If I were to switch over to work on it, that would mean taking time away from other more regular features which currently have a higher priority.

The closest thing available to documentation currently is the moi.idl file which lists all the various properties and methods that are available to script. You can find a link to it here:

The script programming language itself is JavaScript, and there are a lot of resources available to learn how the JavaScript language itself works, here is one of the main books about it: link.

- Michael