STL to STEP Conversion-Free

 From:  bmabam (BAMOORE01)
3332.10 In reply to 3332.9 
Thanks for the explanations. I understand the problem but for those of use that just do this for a hobby and the cash flow is always on the negative side, justifying a the money it takes to buy some of the software packages that it takes to do this kind of thing is pretty hard to justify. If there is a way to do these things on some type of limited basis like using TC and importing the IGES file, that will have to work for now. It takes a while to import the stl and it takes a while each time you do something with it. I can live with that for now and hope that someone will come along with the neet little free converter that has a fix it button.

Now for a real question. Is there an limit on the size of the stl file or # of facets in the stl file that can be imported or is simply a matter of the bigger it gets, the slower thinigs happen.

Also, a request. It would be nice if you would use more progress bars. For these operations, that take some time like import and export, I've sat more than once wondering if I should kill the program because it hit a dead end. To your credit, it always comes back when the operation is complete. A visual that things are still running is always helpful.
