latest WIP after 1 hour with Moi

 From:  Michael Gibson
3322.10 In reply to 3322.9 
Hi Marc, no you're not missing anything - when you set distance constraint to help you draw a segment of a particular length it does not finish the pick immediately. Instead it modifies what is happening when you move the mouse around after that.

AutoCAD does it in that "immediate" way, and I've thought some about that before but one problem is it actually loses some functionality that way because it does not give you a chance to pick some snap points.

Here's an example - here I am drawing a line and then I activate distance constraint to make the line 6 units long by typing in 6 and pushing Enter:

Notice how there is a new intersection snap point that shows up after the distance constraint is activated? That snap would not really be possible if the distance was immediately applied to whatever direction the mouse happened to be pointing in.

It also just seems more user friendly the current way, where you set the constraint and then pick with the mouse because you get to see the constrained line on the screen with some visual feedback before picking it.

But maybe in v3 I can put in an option like "Apply distance immediately" that you could set if you wanted it to behave like you are talking about, maybe only when it was typed in the fast way and you could still get those snaps if you set the distance constraint by clicking on the distance control...

- Michael