Augenblick - Version 0.8 available!

 From:  Numenus
3298.11 In reply to 3298.10 
Hello BurrMan,

the price of the normal Version (that is excluding the direct NURBS ray tracing, i.e. "normal" triangular only) will be roughly around 800€ - the price of the Pro Version including the NURBS is still in discussion with our reseller partners.

However, if technically possible and here are enough guys around that do want to have this I was thinking about some sort of special RenderGin-MoI-Edition that will have roughly the same price tag as MoI itself and then only imports the native file format of MoI. However I do not yet know if this is technically doable so I cannot give a promise on this one yet.

In any case, the beta Version will be free of charge and can be used until end of November. Additionally during that beta phase it will be possible to buy the software already at a discount of 30% (and then receiving the 1.0 release for free of course)

Bets regards,