Numeric Input

 From:  Michael Gibson
3289.10 In reply to 3289.9 
Hi NightCabbage, well it is something requested quite a bit I guess because people are used to it from their animation program.

But it's not something that's commonly done in a CAD program because it's often not really an accurate thing to just set the position of some totally arbitrary point.

But yes with the Move command you can set the exact position of whichever specific point of the object that you want - for the first step of the Move command snap on to the point on the object that you want to position, and then for the target point you can enter in an x,y,z coordinate. I think in MoI v3 I'll also be adding an option to the Move command to let you use the centroid of the object as the "from" point.

Rotation is kind of a similar thing - a generic object just doesn't really have a specific rotation, for example what would you say is the current rotation of this shape here:

Similar to "position", rotation is something that just is not a built in natural part of geometry (other than with simple unmodified primitives like a cylinder or something), it is something that has to be tracked by some kind of local axis type system.

Those local axis systems are great for animation, but for modeling only there is a lot of potential for them to get in the way.

Like for instance I know one CAD program that used a local axis for things, and it was pretty weird - every time you drew a line it would ask you to pick 3 points, one for the start of the line, one for the end of the line, and one for the "axis point". It's kind of inconvenient to make all kinds of extra picks like that when you're just trying to draw something... If you were trying to make the lines fly around, then having markers like that would start to serve a much better purpose. Of course MoI is focused on drawing and modeling and not on animation.

- Michael