
 From:  Michael Gibson
3264.2 In reply to 3264.1 
Hi eric, it looks like they do all intersect, but not in a clean way - you've got a lot of things that barely graze each other which will tend to produce little slivery bits (which creates much complexity is prone to failure) and also you've got a whole bunch of duplicated stacked-up pieces in there which is also going to cause problems.

It looks like you may have generated a 360 degree polar array on a closed ring?

If you're going to make a 360 degree array you would want to have only a 180 degree surface.

Like for example here I have an object that spans only 180 degrees like this:

Now say I generate a 6-item polar array on it spanning 360 degrees, the result is like this:

So that's all fine.

But look what happens if I start with a completely closed loop like this:

Now if I generate a 6-item polar array on that closed loop, again with a full 360 degree polar array, it will generate this kind of a result:

But note there that since the object being arrayed stuck out on both sides of the array center point there are a bunch of pieces that are stacked on top of each other. For example item #1 and #4 are stacked, item #2 and #5 are stacked, and #3 and #6 are stacked.

It looks like that's what you've done in this case, because it looks like every piece you've got is a duplicate - select one and delete it and you'll see there is another one there in the same place (but 180 degrees rotated).

So you don't want to have all those excess quantities of duplicate stacked up objects, that is going to be very messy for the booleans to deal with.

Also even without those it is going to be hard to boolean anyway with all these barely grazing parts, you may need to do something like have them come to a central hub piece rather than so many things just barely passing through each other.

Another strategy that would be cleaner would be to have something like a full sphere and then cut it with profiles from the top to remove segments.

- Michael