Selection indicator

 From:  Michael Gibson
3254.12 In reply to 3254.9 
Hi Marc,

> Maybe it's not that important to show the "partial" state
> of this feature, it could be only an indicator as of where
> objects are located.

What would it show then if only some objects of that slot were selected, just the same as if none were selected?

> Just a thought: it might be interesting if you could drag that
> indicator (who would represent your selection in that container)
> to another style or group...

I'm not really following this part - the contents of different slots do not necessarily have any set relation to one another.

For example, say you have 1 sphere that has Style = Default selected. Now you drag that selection indicator to the Style = Red slot, which happens to have 100 lines associated with it. What is the ending selection supposed to be? Are all the lines supposed to get selected?

If you just want a way to select all things of a certain style, you can do that already by clicking on the style name...

- Michael